Monday, Jan. 14, 1924
Periodic Vaporings
Maximilian Harden, noted publicist, whose War-time tirades against the Kaiser have been widely published and whose articles against his own country are possibly inspired by a lack of ready cash, once more broke into literary vituperation of Germany. Said he: "Why should America help Germany? It is all very well for Herr Stresemann and others, before and since, to shout to America for help for starving Germany, but Germany is literally crammed with food. Half of last year's harvest is still untouched. People in the towns are starving because the farmer and the landlord are keeping back foodstuffs. If I were Mr. Hoover I would not send a single bushel of grain until the stocks now in Germany were consumed. . . .
"It is the German farmer and landlord who at the present are starving Germany out. They are refusing to accept paper marks in payment of their produce, though others are compelled to do so, and are thus forcing the retailer to double and treble his prices. And the scandal is that the acuter the food crisis, the louder the execrations against the Jew, who, poor devil, is quite as badly hit as any one else; perhaps even worse; for the Jew preponderates in the professional classes here and it is the lawyer, the doctor and especially the journalist who are having the keenest struggle to keep alive."