Monday, Jan. 07, 1924
Winifred Lenihan, leading lady in Bernard Shaw's Saint Joan: "On the front page of its Sunday Theatre Section, the New York Tribune published a large caricature of me, ignorantly referred to me as Florence Lennihan."
Henry Cabot Lodge, senior Senator from Massachusetts: "I made a call on President Coolidge, leaving my overcoat, as is the custom of presidential callers, in Secretary Slemp's room. Newspapers reported that, coming out, I 'walked jauntily away' with the ulster of Representative Louis T. McFadden of Pennsylvania, little noting the spacious effect the garment gave me until I encountered 'strange articles' in the pockets. Retracing my steps, I encountered Henry Cabot Lodge, III, my grandson, whilom Harvard student, now a reporter on the Boston Transcript. But I refused to grant him an interview."
Fielding H. Yost, Director of Athletics for the University of Michigan: "In Atlanta I made a speech before the Football Coaches' Association of America. Said I: 'As ancient Greece was supreme in democracy, so she was supreme in games. Today Great Britain and America lead the world in athletics as they point the way to democracy.'"
Henry Ford: "It became generally known--through the loud denunciations of Herman Bernstein, editor of The Jewish Tribune and, Hebrew Standard --that The Jewish Morning Journal and The Jewish Daily Forward recently carried advertisements of Ford cars, trucks, tractors."
Jack Dempsey: It was reported that my father, Hyrum Dempsey, of Salt Lake City, was fined $50 after entering a plea of guilty to a charge of having mixed highballs with liquor from a pocket flask in a cafe."
Calvin Coolidge: "Madame de Teleme, French astrologist, who is said to have forecast the death of President Harding, issued the following statement : "President Coolidge will have to be very careful of himself, although it appears that no untoward event will happen to him. "The influence of Uranus is not favorable to the United States; in her internal policies she will face great difficulties, while political discussions are likely to get the United States in trouble with foreign Powers."
Gabriele d'Anminzio, Italian poet-airman: "The Associated Press reported that I had 'given my all' to Italy. They quoted me as saying in a lengthy deed of gift: 'I offer all that remains of me to the Italian people.'"