Monday, Dec. 31, 1923


The estate of the late Andrew Boner Law, a former Premier of Britain, was valued at -L-51,397 ($221,007), of which -L-5,151 was invested in the U. S. and -L-8,454 in Canada. Most of the estate was left to his children.

On Jan. 9, a "political prisoners'" dinner is to be held in the House of Commons. All M. P.'s invited must have been sent to jail for political crimes--two deportations count for one imprisonment. All the invites are Laborites.

On Jan. 10, at a well-known London restaurant, the eight lady Members oif Parliament will sit down to a prandial celebration. Those who accepted the invitation: The Duchess of Atholl (Conservative), Lady Astor (Conservative), Mrs. Wintringham (Liberal), Mrs. Hilton Philipson (Conservative), Miss Margaret Bondfield (Labor). Those to be heard from were: Lady Terrington (Liberal), Mrs. D. Jewson and Miss Susan Lawson (Laborites).