Monday, Dec. 10, 1923
Farmer Aviators
A baby plane selling for 5,000 gold marks ($1,190) is being sold in large numbers in Germany--particularly to farmers and traveling salesmen. Built entirely of steel by a steel firm in Breslau, it is actually cheaper than any automobile being built in Germany and is on a thorough production basis.
Cheap Training
Small planes are also going to find use in training English military pilots. Two-seaters equipped with only five to ten horsepower are being developed for this purpose. Lack of funds has handicapped the British Air Force in their training program. The extremely low gasoline consumption of these tiny ships and their low replacement cost will solve the financial problem. Their low gliding and landing speeds may also facilitate the education of pilots in the early stages.
New World's Records
During the week three new world's records were established. C At Pontiac, near Detroit, Corporal Dewey Webb dropped 19,600 ft. (nearly 4 miles) in a parachute from an Army plane.
P:At Issy-les-Moulineaux, France, Marquis Pescara, Argentine engineer, stayed in the air more than five minutes in a helicopter.
P:At Paris, Jean Laporte ascended 5,535 meters in a hydroplane. He came down because of the extreme cold, in which his face was frost bitten.