Monday, Dec. 10, 1923
The House of Romanov
The quarrel over the succession to the Russian Throne was settled in a family council of the Romanovs held in Paris. According to Grand Duke Alexander, the meetings of the family were called to end once and for all the gossip about discord and distrust existing between members of the House of Romanov.
The following agreement was said to have been reached by the ex-Imperial family:
1) The Russian people alone can rid the country of destructive, antiChristian, Bolshevist theories.
2) The Russian people alone can decide what regime they want to govern them.
3) The intervention of any country, be it Prance or Germany, is absolutely inadmissible.
4) The members of the Romanov family are ready to serve their country, even if it should be necessary to give their lives.
5) They pledge themselves to support and follow a leader who will personify the ideals of the Russian people.
6) The family have no right to be considered an imperial family, or to assume that Grand Duke Michael [Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich, brother of the late Tsar] is dead; but should the question arise of eventual succession the Romanovs are determined to recognize the eldest member of the family, Cyril, as heir to the throne.
7) The Romanovs are opposed to counterrevolution, preferring to let the people decide their own future.