Monday, Nov. 26, 1923


On King Victor's birthday, Signor Benito Mussolini, Italian Premier, distributed the Medal of Italian Unity to some ex-service men in Rome. Said he to them: " If not in my capacity as head of the Government, certainly as an Italian and a Fascist, I believe it is my duty to declare that Italian unity is not yet complete. The medal, therefore, relates to that unity which was reached after the victory at Vittorio Veneto."*

Il Corriere della Sera, Milanese journal, has had a hard row to hoe since Fascism came into vogue. Although it has been moderate to the point of insipidity in its adverse criticism of Fascismo and "il duce " (Mussolini), that did not prevent three bombs being thrown into the newspaper's building in Milan. Signor Albertini, the editor, attributed the outburst to a violent article which recently appeared in Il Popolo d'ltalia, allegedly Signor Mussolini's newspaper.

The people of Italy are becoming more thrifty under Fascismo. This is proved by savings bank deposit figures. For the present fiscal year the increase was 4,000,000,000 lire ($168,000,000) over the corresponding figure of last year.

The Mussolini Electoral Law, which guarantees the majority Party two-thirds of the seats in La Camera dei Deputati, was passed by the Senate by 165 to 41 votes. It passed the Chamber of Deputies last session (TIME, July 23).

* Last Italian battle of the War, Oct. 30, 1918.