Monday, Nov. 19, 1923


Lord Alfred Douglas, a son of the late Marquis of Queensberry, was held in bail at the Bow Street Court, London, on a charge of having maliciously and unlawfully published a defamatory libel on the Rt. Hon. Winston S. Churchill.

Lord Alfred published in a pamphlet an article entitled: The Murder of Lord Kitchener and the Truth About the Battle of Jutland and the Jews. An excerpt from this document reads: "I made a definite charge against Winston Churchill in Plain English, a newspaper now defunct. I stated that a large sum of money was given him by the late Sir Ernest Cassel after he had issued what is admittedly a false report of the Battle of Jutland."

The Battle of Jutland occurred on May 31, 1916. Mr. Churchill was First Lord from 1911 to 1915.

Britons consumed last year 4,325,000,000 eggs, stated a commerce journal. Of these 1,750,000,000 were laid by hens living in Great Britain (943,000,000 of these by Irish hens) ; the remainder by foreign hens. Thus about 40.4% of the total consumption was the proud work of hens who were British subjects.

In an auction of the late Lord Bryce's effects in London, a rare copy of his The American Commonwealth was knocked down for $16. This volume contained the unexpurgated chapter, withdrawn from later volumes, dealing with Tammany Hall and Tweed Ring corruption in Manhattan politics. This chapter cost Lord Bryce $50,000 in a law suit after his book was first published in 1888.