Monday, Nov. 05, 1923

Election Results

General elections returned the Christian Socialists (Government Party) to power with 82 seats. The Socialists got 59 seats; Pan-Germans, 8.

The main significance of the elections was the eradication of the Communists from Austrian politics and the crushing defeat of the Pan-Germans.

The annihilation of the Communists was due to the opposition of agrarian Austria and to the growing prosperity of Vienna. This is unimportant, because Communism has for a long time fought a losing fight. The end, or what appears to be the end, was therefore anticipated.

The defeat of Pan-Germanism (which lost six seats) is of course plain: no nation would be mad enough to think of uniting with a financially and politically chaotic Germany when its own economic life is improving under the aegis of the League of Nations. The decline of Pan-Germanism (Union with Germany) has been in ratio to the in- creased prosperity of the nation.

The fact that the Monarchists did not win a single seat in the new Parliament is insignificant. The true position of the monarchical movement in Austria is revealed in the fact that it is said to be the most efficient, powerful and rich political party in Austria. Political inexpediency, in view of the sentiments of the Little Entente, alone has kept it quiet. Apart from this there are many Monarchists within the ranks of the Christian Socialists. The State Chancellor (Premier), Dr. Ignaz Seipel, leader of the Christian Socialist Party, is himself a Monarchist at heart.