Monday, Nov. 05, 1923

Hugo Junior

Hugo Stinnes, Jr., age 26, accompanied by his wife, arrived in Man- hattan aboard the United American liner Resolute. The second son of the Wagnerian industrialist of Germany is a director in many of his father's concerns, particularly shipping. But he has not yet developed his beard.

Young Stinnes speaks English "fluently but with an accent." Approached by reporters who exhorted him to "say something," he reached into his pocket, extracted copies of the following typewritten statement, distributed them:

"It is the first time in my life that I am coming to the United States. My house has several business connections in the States. The reasons for my coming over are to meet my business friends and to get a personal impression of your famous country, about which I have heard so much."

Not satisfied, one reporter urged that he "ought" to say something "as your father is the richest man in the world."

All present agreed that Hugo Junior met this advance with: "Well, I can't help that!" But he was variously reported as having both "snapped" and "smiled" as he spoke.

He said no more.