Monday, Oct. 29, 1923

Married. James Waterhouse Angell, son of President James Rowland Angell, of Yale University, to Miss Jane Norton Grew, of Boston, at Wellesley, Mass.

Divorced. Miss Corinne Griffith, cinema actress, from William M. Campbell, cinema director, at Mineral Wells, Tex.

Died. Thomas Jennings, 70, miner, at Delague, Colo. He was a brother of Hughie Jennings, 53, assistant manager of the New York National League Baseball Club, former manager of the Detroit American League Club.

Died. Victor Maurel, 75, French baritone, pronounced by Verdi the greatest male operatic artist he ever heard, in Manhattan of ptomaine.

Died. Eliseo Arredondo, Mexican Ambassador to the U. S. from December, 1917, to April, 1918, at Mexico City. He was a cousin of the late President Carranza.

Died. Philip Cosgrave, brother of President William T. Cosgrave of the Irish Free State Executive Committee, at Dublin.

Died. Colonel James Alexander McCrea, 48, Vice President of the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Pittsburgh, of pneumonia. (See page 3.)