Monday, Oct. 22, 1923
Health Tzars Meet
Sir Thomas Oliver, professor of practice of medicine in the College of Medicine, Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, author of Diseases of Occupation, the world's leading authority on industrial hygiene, was the guest of honor at the 52nd annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Boston. In a public address he generously granted America's leadership in safety and sanitation in modern industries.
The other main feature was the report of the Committee on Municipal Health Department Practice on its proposed award for the " best health" city of the U. S. (TIME, Oct. 1). Dr. Watson S. Rankin, state health officer of North Carolina, was appointed Field Director of the Association, to visit American cities for the purpose of scoring them in the contest and to advise on ways and means of improving community health conditions.
The A. P. H. A., which is organized in nine sections, held intensive sessions for specialists in each branch: Public Health Administration, Laboratory, Food and Drugs, Vital Statistics, Sanitary Engineering, Industrial Hygiene, Child Hygiene, Health Education and Publicity, Public Health Nursing. Dr. William H. Park, Director of Laboratories, of the New York City Health Department, was elected President for 1923-1924 to succeed Dr. Ernest C. Levy, Health Officer of Richmond, Va.