Monday, Oct. 22, 1923


A motor lorry loaded with Green Police, followed by a limousine, made its way through Berlin to the Reichstag. Inside the limousine was a nervous, agitated man. One hour later Green Police and limousine made the return journey. Inside the car sat a man " wreathed in smiles": Chancellor Stresemann had been made Germany's first constitutional dictator by 316 votes to 24. Thus he joins the ranks of European dictators--Mussolini of Italy, Doktor von Kahr of Bavaria, Captain-General Primo Rivera of Spain, Colonel Gonatas of Greece, Mustapha Kemal Pasha of Turkey.

The Bolshevik Government of Saxony denounced the regime of dictators in Germany and proclaimed itself a "government of republican and proletarian defense." It further stated that it would oppose monarchical activities by strikes and by force of arms, if necessary.

Grave disorders occurred at Berlin and in the Rhineland, caused by a serious food shortage. Riots and pillaging of shops occurred at many points and there were some clashes with police forces. Many people were killed and many were injured.

It was announced from Washington that a new treaty of amity and commerce between the U. S. and Germany is to be negotiated.

The value of the mark sank to the incomprehensible figure of .00000001 5/8% of one cent to one mark, or about 6,500,000,000 marks to the dollar. The actual number of marks in circulation according to the last weekend statement of the Reichsbank was 28,228,800,000,000,000 (twenty-eight quadrillions, two hundred and twenty-eight trillions, eight hundred billions). The cost of living in Berlin doubled in four days.

The animals in the Berlin Zoo were stated to be so hungry that they keep Berlin awake at night. The roaring of lions and tigers admixed with the " laughs" of hyenas and the howling of the wolves was reputed to have turned residential Berlin into a veritable jungle.