Monday, Oct. 08, 1923
There follows an account of how the three leading proponents of heavyweight boxing spent their week:
Dempsey. Stepping off a westbound train at Salt Lake City, the champion was met by his mother.
Mrs. Dempsey: ";Jack, you are still my boy. I used to lick you and I still can!"
Dempsey: ";Yes, Mother."
P: The champion added three more bulls to his score on a bison hunt* at Antelope Island in Great Salt Lake.
P: Manager Kearns told of dickering tentatively with Promoter Coffroth for a Dempsey-somebody spectacle in Tia Juana, Mexico, about New Year's Day. " Somebody "will not be Harry Wills, said Kearns. But he might be Tom Gibbons.
P:Denying a report that he had struck Babe Ruth the night that Jack struck Firpo, Johnny Dempsey (brother) said: " Why, Babe and I are good friends! Then again, the Babe is a big fellow. Why, I'd be a sucker to go for him! "
P:In Fredericksburg, Va., a man named Samuel T. Johnson, color not announced, whose collars measure 18 1/2 in., whose frame weighs 230 pounds, stated that he was " anxious to fight Jack Dempsey" and went into training. Johnson is 29 years old.
Firpo. After receiving a note from Manhattan's police department protesting that his wild bull automobile was stampeding traffic, Firpo moved across the Canadian border and showed off in Montreal. Thence he journeyed to ponder the tossing waters of Niagara; thence to Cleveland about automobiles, his business side line; thence to New York again, to shut his desk and embark with friends for a pugilistic grand tour of South America, commencing at Lima, Peru.
P: Walking into the county clerk's office in Manhattan, Senor Firpo through an interpreter made known that he wished to become an American citizen. His application carried the information that he is 28 years old, white, 6 ft. 2 1/2 in. tall, 215 pounds in weight, hair and eyes brown. In answer to the question " Are you married? " he drew a line. It was reliably reported that he did not know that in order to become an American citizen he would have to renounce his Argentine citizenship. He will let his application lapse.
Wills. Indefinite postponement of his match with Homer Smith, hulking Kalamazooan (TIME, Oct. 1) was tempered for Harry Wills by an invitation to sign against Joe Beckett. If the Britisher can be coaxed across the Atlantic, Wills will have at him in early November.
* The bison are owned by individuals.