Monday, Oct. 01, 1923
The Dictators
The Directorate, appointed by King Alfonso after the bloodless revolution of a fortnight ago (TIME, Sept. 24), began to consolidate its position.
The following are points in the program of the Dictator, Captain General Primo Rivera: abolition of jury trial system; war on profiteers and high prices; offer to Province of Catalonia of partial Home Rule; strenuous prosecution of the Moroccan War; trial of members of the Alhucemas Government, " which-- shows the worst of vices."
A decree was issued imposing fines and sentences of imprisonment, for persons who display any flag except the Spanish flag or use any language in public documents except the Spanish language. The measure is designed against the separationist movement in Catalonia. " One Kingdom, one flag, one language" is the policy of the Dictatorship.
The political situation is generally quiet, the Communist element being deprived of their leaders, who are in prison or on the other side of the borders of Spain. King Alfonso is reported to have been forced to accept the Dictatorship or abdicate. The Directorate is not unpopular in Spain and if it is successful in carrying out its reforms it will undoubtedly consolidate the Spanish Monarchy.