Monday, Oct. 01, 1923
Democratic Logging
The foresters of the Democratic Party are fully as active as their Republican brethren in preparing for the coming log drive. George Brennan, Democratic boss of Illinois, and: Thomas Fortune Ryan of Virginia: were the most active of the axemen. The object of their activity was evidently to find among the tall trees some timber with durable and ornamental qualities equal to those of William G. McAdoo.
P:Woodrow Wilson was the objective of a visit to Washington by Mr. Brennan. They discussed a number of possible candidates, notably Mr. McAdoo. Afterwards Mr. Brennan let it leak out that Mr. Wilson had intimated that he might let himself be called upon as the candidate of his Party next year. If this report was true it is more significant as a curiosity of the news than a possibility of politics. Mr. Wilson, if he made such a statement, doubtless qualified it to the point of extinction.
P:Senator Oscar W. Underwood of Alabama is reported to be the real object of Mr. Brennan's affections. The latter gentleman, after seeing Mr. Wilson, went to Manhattan for several days' conference with Mr. Ryan and other Democratic leaders. Mr. Ryan is reported desirous of regaining the leadership in Virginia politics, after an absence of several years, from Senator Carter Glass, of McAdoo sympathies.
P:Senator Samuel M. Ralston ol Indiana is another reputed anti-McAdoo possibility. Senator Ralston, however, is 66 years of age, which may count against him.