Monday, Sep. 17, 1923

An Extra Million

Prohibition Commissioner Roy Asa Haynes requested the Budget Bureau for an extra million dollars next year to enforce the Volstead Act. The present expenditure for that purpose is $8,250,000. With the extra appropriation Mr. Haynes would increase his force of agents from 1,800 to 2,050 and add 50 legal and clerical workers to his staff. He desires also an increase of the appropriation for enforcing the antinarcotic act from $750,000 to $1,250,000.

The reasons given for the proposed increase in number of agents are that New York repealed its state prohibition law and that other states have not cooperated with the Commissioner in performing his duties.

Commissioner Haynes called on President Coolidge. They were closeted for two hours. On leaving, Mr. Haynes said the President had expressed himself as being "highly gratified" with the work of the Prohibition Unit.