Monday, Sep. 10, 1923

Ars Politico,

Hardly had the war cloud in Southern Europe forced the Allies to turn their back on the Ruhr, than the Reds and Nationalists rose up and threatened the very structure of the German Republic.

The Reds, applauded by Moscow, were active in stirring the proletariat to precipitate a revolution. Die Rote Fahne (Red Flag), Communist journal, devoted an entire front page to a stirring appeal to start a buergekrieg (civil war).

A stirring reunion of Monarchists occurred at Nuremburg, Bavaria, on the anniversary of Sedan Day. Moro than 200,000 veterans took part in a parade through the town. The feature of the significant gathering was a powerful, moving and emotional speech made by a Catholic priest. In conclusion he said: " I ask you Germans, are you ready to take a triple oath for Germany ? "

" We are ready! " answered the inflamed people.

" I ask you to swear never to rest until you are free people again."

" We swear it! " came the answer.

" I ask you to swear never to rest until you have thrown our enemies, the French and Belgians, out of the Ruhr."

" We swear it! " returned the multitude.

" I ask you never to rest until you have restored old Germany again and until the work of the old German Army is finished."

" We swear it! " thundered the reply" Then lift your hands and take the oath," concluded the priest, whereupon 200,000 raised two fingers of the right hand.

Then followed I Had a Comrade, a wartime song of sorrow for the fallen, and Deutschland Uber Alles. Then the parade.

The Stresemann Government is in a very awkward position. Both the Right and the Left are strong forces to oppose. If they unite or if they clash, the Government is considered certain to fall and perhaps drag the German Republic with it. The German political atmosphere reeks with rumors of civil war.