Monday, Sep. 03, 1923

Born. To Mr. and Mrs. John Wanamaker, Jr. (Miss Pauline Disston), a son, in Manhattan. The child is a great-grandson of the late John Wanamaker and a grandson of Rodman Wanamaker.

Engaged. Allister McCormick, of Chicago, to Miss Joan Stevens, of London. He was engaged to Miss Mary Landon Baker, of Chicago, who left him at the altar.

Married. Major General Peyton Conway March, retired Chief ol Staff U S. A., 58, to Miss Cora Virginia McEntee, 26, of Brooklyn, in London. One of the honor men of the West Point class of '88, he fought in the Philippines as Captain of the Astor Battery. In 1904 he was officer-observer of the Russo-Japanese War, and in 1912 did service in Mexico. During the World War he was in command of the A E. F. artillery and was appointed Chief of His first wife died in 1904.

Married. Reinhold Warlick, 44 concert and opera singer, to Miss Bertha Turk-Rohn, 27, prima donna of the present season of the Voiles Opera, Vienna, daughter of Baroness Olga von Turk-Rohn, in Manhattan. Son of the late Hugo Warlick (business manager of the late Tsar's private orchestra), he was divorced: 1917 from the former Mrs. Edward Judson Ovington, widow of the late owner of the Ovington Gift Shop. Manhattan.

Died. Admiral Baron Tomasaburo Kato, Premier of Japan, 64, at Tokyo, of a complication of maladies. (See page 13.)

Died. Mrs. Emily A. McNally, 67, wife of James McNally, Vice President of Rand, McNally and Co., map publishers, at Lake of Bays, Ont., Canada. She had locked her door after taking a sleeping powder and could not be wakened when the Wawa Hotel, where she was staying, caught fire.

Died Captain Fred Walters," Blue Man " of Barnum's and Ringling Brothers' Circus, 68, in Manhattan, of heart disease. An autopsy showed that his heart, brain, muscles were as blue as his skin. This is attributed to silver poisoning contracted in an Australian mine.

Died Caldwell Hardy, 71, former President of the American Bankers' Association (1902), at Norfolk, Va., of heart disease

Died. Mrs. George C. Riggs("Kate Douglas Widdin"), 63, author, at Harrow, England following an operation. She wrote The Birds Christmas Carol, Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, The Old Peabody Pew

Died. Maharaja Gaekwar of Baroda, said to the richest prince in India, suddenly, on a train in Holland.