Monday, Sep. 03, 1923

" Hello, Greaser "

The good month of September, somewhere around its middle or latter part, will see the diplomatic recognition of Mexico. The report of the American Commissioners, Charles Beecher Warren and John Barton Payne, (TIME, Aug. 27) has been found acceptable by the State Department. Announcement of the impending recognition has been made. At the same time that recognition is accorded, it is likely that a summary of the agreement with Mexico will be published.

Numerous details preliminary to recognition are now being attended to. It is probable that from the date of official recognition until the convention of Congress we shall have no Ambassador to Mexico, but that our affairs will be handled by Charge d'Affaires George T. Summerlin, already in Mexico City. The reason for this is that an Ambassadorial appointment must be approved by the Senate, and President Coolidge is unwilling to despatch an Ambassador who might later be unacceptable to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.