Monday, Aug. 27, 1923
After a cursory view of TIME'S summary of events, the Generous Citizen points with pride to:
Robes in cloth of gold and silver, adorned with pearls, rubies, emeralds. (P. 11.)
A shrewd electioneering feat in Dublin. (P. 10.)
" A God-given tongue that is better than a pen." (P. 9.)
A Socialist Minister of Finance who puts reform ahead of popularity. (P. 10.)
A movement for college education on log-splitting principles. (P. 18.)
The acme of fly casting perfection. (P. 25.)
" A high-class modern structure " erected on a popular site in Atlantic City. (P. 26.)
A 17-year-old herald who now threatens the courts of Europe. (P. 24.)
Lake Michigan--in Chicago it excites wonder. (P. 26.) The peregrination of a duck hunting dentist. (P. 6.)
A brass rail, beer, bartenders. (P.
Eight young women apparently of acrobatic ancestry. (P. 16.)
The detonation of a vast amount of emotional cordite. (P. 17.)
A British Ambassador who wrote sympathetically, kindly, energetically, efficiently and in the Julian manner. (P. 4.)
The Liberal M. P. who made a passionate appeal for state-wide bathtubs. (P. 8.)
Wall Street--it beat The City in the Norwegian race and is ready for more. (P-22.)