Monday, Aug. 20, 1923
Monarchists and Monarchism
Ex-Kaiser Wilhelm II had a barricade of matting erected around his estate at Doorn. Guards surrounding the house were increased, as was the small force of Secret Service men and detectives. These precautions are not to prevent the exiled monarch from escaping, but are merely de signed to protect him.
Ex-Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm was reported to have terminated his visit to Doorn and to have returned to his island home at Wieringen, off the coast of North Holland in the Zuider Zee.
It is claimed that a reconciliation has taken place in the Hohenzollern family. The Duchess of Brunswick, "only daughter of the Kaiser, ar rived at Doorn accompanied by her husband. She had previously refused to recognize her mother-in-law Princess Hermione, spouse of the Kaiser. It is presumed that her visit cancels her former attitude. Monarchist circles attach great importance to the visit of the Duke and Duchess of Brunswick.
Die Kreuz-Zeitung, German ultra-conservative journal, reported that the ex-Kaiser sent a large sum of money to General Ludendorff for a statue to be erected at Baden to the memory of Schlageter, shot recently by the French for sabotage in the Ruhr.