Monday, Aug. 20, 1923

Presidential Sport

Columns of conjecture about Calvin Coolidge's interests, habits and tastes at last revealed one small fact for the sporting pages. The President is a football expert. Although he was never a player, it is recorded that in the Fall of 1894 (his Senior year), he was "one of the brains" behind the Amherst eleven. It is said that he has ever since retained " a keen and intelligent interest in the game."

It is a coincidence that two men whose play he helped direct on the Amherst gridiron 29 years ago, have public eminence comparable to his own, viz.: John P. Deering, who has been mentioned as " next Governor of Maine," and Herbert L. Pratt, President of the Standard Oil Co., of New

York. Mr. Pratt was captain and quarterback of the Amherst eleven; Mr. Deering was an able halfback.