Monday, Aug. 20, 1923

Coming Irish Elections

The first Administration of the Irish Free State came to an end with the dissolution of the Oireachtas (Parliament). The elections for the next Parliament will be held on Aug. 27.

In his valedictory speech to the Dail Eireann, President William T. Cosgrave pointed out that the Lower House had passed 43 acts. He thanked the Deputies for the unfailing courtesy and cooperation which they had given to the Government. The greatest work of the first Oir eachtas was the adoption of the Free State Constitution.

On Nomination Day it is expected that some 500 candidates for 153 seats will be announced. The main Parties: Government, headed by W. T. Cosgrave; Labor, headed by Thomas Johnson; Radical Labor, James Larkin; Republican, Eamon de Valera. Political opinion at Dublin thinks that the Government Party will obtain a small majority over the other parties.

The most significant feature of the campaign is the appearance of Republican literature on the streets of Dublin. A few months ago the mere possession of such literature was a penal offense.