Monday, Aug. 13, 1923

"No Finer Knighthood''

Hardly had Mr. Coolidge been in office 48 hours when he was called upon to write one of those "messages " which bear absolutely no direct relation to the prescribed conduct of national affairs. The message was addressed to the Knights of Columbus (assembled in convention at Montreal) and read as follows: "The Knights of Columbus is in every sense a patriotic order. You have established great war charities, you have helped to fill the national Treasury with your contributions to the various Liberty loans, and you have sent your dearest and best to bear the heat and brunt of battle.

"Your order has ever shown its steadfast devotion to American principles and American ideals. You are Knights of Columbus, a name of great significance, representing not only a great discovery, but the eternal principle of all discovery and progress. When all the world doubted, when his own followers sought to turn back, he sailed on, daring to follow the truth.

"There is no finer knighthood. In it your noble order stands, resisting all evil counsel, supporting every patriotic cause, following the eternal principle that ' the truth shall make you free.' "

During the course of his term President Coolidge will be requested to write other messages--almost daily. To the Colonial Order of the Acorn, to the Ancient and Honorable Order of the Blue Goose, to the National Association of Ice Industries, to the American Ornithologists' Union, to the National Association of Manufacturers of the U. S. A., to the American Numismatic Society, to the Tree Planting Association of New York City, to the Loyal Order of Moose, to the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, cmetard hrshr shrd shrdl cm vbg kgk htmfaR wofda Rwarod wfaW mf rm ywafomg krwdb R dafwof Rrtdor mf shadogrftma mftar fra Wwalod r f