Monday, Aug. 06, 1923

Disorder and Crime

Steamers arriving at IChang on the Yang-tsze Kiang River declare that the American steamer Alice Dollar and a British vessel under convoy of the U. S. gunboat Monocacy were fired upon at Chung-King. The Monocacy returned the fire, not without effect.

Bandits in the Province of Yuennan captured Darcy Weatherbee, British mining engineer.

Weatherbee is a Nova Scotian, 50 years of age, son of Sir Robert Weatherbee, former Chief Justice of Nova Scotia. He set out on April 23 to prospect for an overland route from Burma to Peking, "through country never before traversed by white men."

Laurence H. Kearney, U. S. citizen, charged with leading a plot to smuggle arms into China, was arrested at the seaport of Ching-Hai. Bail was allowed at $5,000. The warrant for his arrest was issued by U. S. Consular agents on July 9.

C. V. Stein, also a U. S. citizen, was arrested in connection with the same charge and sent to Shanghai.