Monday, Aug. 06, 1923
Revolution Coming?
Woodrow Wilson in the August number of The Atlantic Monthly said : " The world has been made safe for democracy. . . . But democracy has not yet made the world safe against irrational revolution. That supreme task, which is nothing less than the salvation of civilization, now faces democracy, insistent, imperative. . . . It is against capitalism under one name or another that the discontented classes everywhere draw their indictment. . . . The sum of the whole matter is this: that our civilization cannot survive materially unless it be redeemed spiritually."
Magnus Johnson, recently elected Farmer-Labor Senator from Minnesota, ejaculated to reporters: " Many think the same thing that happened in Russia cannot happen in this country, but don't fool yourself. It could happen here before you knew what was going on. . . . Sixty-five per cent, of the wealth of this country is in the hands of 2% of the' population, and, unless there is a better distribution of this wealth, the common people are going to revolt against it."
Hiram Johnson, high priest of all irreconcilables, declared in his first speech after returning to the U. S. from Europe : " I suggest to my conservative brethren that recent events indicate they must choose whether progressive things shall be done in a conservative way or in a radical way. You may have to take progressivism or radicalism will take you."
Senator Underwood of Alabama told the Rotary Club of Birmingham that this is "a critical day for the world. ... I want to call your attention to the fact that this problem is not only a problem for Europe. It is a problem that is on the firing line of the Northwest today, and I pray to God it will not be on the firing line of the South tomorrow. ... I see black clouds blowing from the West. ..."
Senator La Follette, radical Republican from Wisconsin, reached Washington after several weeks of rest at Battle Creek, Mich., and asserted: "The issues (of the next political campaign) will be domestic, and the greatest of these issues will be whether the people of the U. S. are going to take their government into their own hands."