Monday, Jul. 30, 1923
MR. JOHNSON WINS MINNESOTA'S RACE; WET A POOR THIRD headlined The Christian Science Monitor. This is an excellent example of printing something that is absolutely true and at the same time giving a false impression. It is true that the only Wet in Minnesota's Senatorial race came in third. But Wet-vs.-Dry was not the issue. Aid-to-the-farmer was the issue, and it is conceivable that Candidate Carley (Wet Democrat) would have come in just as pitiful a third had he been Dry.
Among newspapers, the Monitor is probably the country's chief proponent of the Dry cause. It delights in dragging Prohibition by the coattails into as many stories as possible, in an attempt to show that prohibition enforcement is a great success.
Had the Monitor nourished in Washington Irving's time it might have headlined: VAN WINKLE, ASLEEP 20 YEARS, LAYS STUPOR TO BOOZE.