Monday, Jul. 23, 1923


After a cursory view of TIME'S summary of events, the Generous Citizen points with pride to:

A 75-year-old party's birthday party. (P. 4.)

Secluded quadruplets named William Hearst, John Studebaker, Theodore Roosevelt, Edith Viola. (P. 27.)

" The Supreme Grand Whiskerino of the Universe." (P. 27.)

A broad, rugged schoolgirl with a long shadow. (P. 24.)

A " marriage bloc" that is not colorblind. (P. 6.)

Charles E. Hughes, who is cool. (P. 7.)

" Clean cut and obliging young college students." P. 7.)

826,825 law-abiding Elks. (P. 27.)

A Little Rock, Ark., voice that reaches Monte Carlo. (P. 15.)

A theatre with the lid off. (P. 15.)

The career of " the American Prince of Wales." (P.9.)

Sidesaddle. (P. 24.)

Three famed Roberts: Bruce, Cruickshank, Jones. (P. 24.)

The mothers of Pat Brady, Tony Musanti, Ikey Greenfield. (P. 26.)

A basket of super-strawberries and a bunch of mammoth peonies. (P. 1.)

A member of the Arctic Brotherhood who took oath never to maltreat horse or dog. (P. 1.)

An artificial crater 19 feet deep, 64 feet in diameter. (P. 6.)

A miracle reported by the League of Nations. (P. 8.)

A fervent resolve to become " the genuine frankfurter" in New York society. (P. 16.)