Monday, Jul. 23, 1923
Preparing a Putsch
The air is charged with thunder. Signs are gathering that the extreme Nationalists (Royalists), headed by the Bavarian Adolf Hitler and General Ludendorff, intend to seize the present opportunity to start a sort of Fascist counter revolution.
The Nationalists point to the falling mark--the Government's deficit is now $5,000,000 a day; to the strikes, although the Metal Workers' demands for a sliding wage have been granted and the men have returned to work; and, of course, to the Ruhr.
A Nationalist manifesto declares that " this organization works for a war of defense and revenge against France . . . and for warfare against the traitors among the German people."
Berlin Fascisti, 40,000 strong, paraded at a funeral of Fascisti workmen recently stabbed by Communists. The Communists also paraded. A riot occurred.
The Communist organ Die Rote Fahn published an article prophesying a Nationalist coup, accompanied by terrorism hitherto unknown. The paper advocated killing every fifth Fascist.
Renewed activity was noted at Doom. The ex-Kaiser Wilhelm received his son, Eitel Friedrich, and Dr. Karl Helferich, both heart and soul in the Nationalist movement. There are constant arrivals from Germany.