Monday, Jul. 23, 1923

Laborites on War

Ramsey MacDonald, Parliamentary Labor Leader, recently issued a warning to the British nation that Europe is headed for war (between Britain and France).

Other Labor members have seconded his view:

J. R. Clynes, President National Union of General Workers: "Though the British public no longer has any sympathy with French policy, the people do not realize sufficiently that the policy is heading toward an appalling conflict in Europe at some future date. It is mainly a state of exhaustion that has prevented open conflict already, but on every hand we see ominous signs."

Frank Hodges, Secretary of the Miners' Federation of Great Britain: "There is real danger of war. The voice in Europe crying for peace is feeble. That voice is the voice of Great Britain and the Government is acting as a silencer of that voice. The time has come for the Govern- ment to declare in plain language it disapproves of French policy in the Ruhr."

Robert Williams, General Secretary of the Transport Workers: "War with France is nearer today than war with Germany was in 1911. We cannot desist from criticism of and protest against the wanton policy pursued by France in destroying the economic integrity of Europe. The working class must seek to establish a real democratic diplomacy. We must challenge the assumption that Poincare speaks for France any more than Curzon for England. Unity of the working class is the only means of preventing war."