Monday, Jul. 16, 1923
Anno Santo
Through the Secretary of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, the Pope has issued an invitation to 3,000 Roman Catholic prelates to prepare a great international exhibition of the missionary activities of the Roman Catholic Church. This exhibit will be held in Rome during the " Holy Year," 1925. " Anno Santo " was omitted in 1850 because Rome was held by revolutionists, and in 1875 because of the recent loss of temporal power. The twenty-first of these papal jubilees was held in 1900, under Pius IX.
Millions of pilgrims are expected to visit the Eternal City. The Pope is known to be considering the resumption of the Vatican Council, which was hastily prorogued to an indefinite date, owing to the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian war. A circular letter is being sent to all bishops, asking their opinion as to the advisability of resuming the council. The Pope has refused to take any part in the World Conference on Faith and Order which is an All-Protestant Council to be held in Washington, D. C., in 1925.