Monday, Jul. 16, 1923

Parliament's Week

Parliament's Week

P:Ormsby Gore, Under Secretary for the Colonies, made a statement in answer to Colonel Howard Bury, who asked if the Government intended to safeguard the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine without prejudice to race or religion, and if the Government intended to govern that land in accordance with majority wishes, or whether a Jewish National Home was still on the horizon.

Said Mr. Gore: "The Government certainly intends to safeguard the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine and to govern the country as a mandatory power in accordance with the terms of the mandate. As defined in the White Paper (official Government report) submitted to Parliament last year, His Majesty's Government is charged with the duty of facilitating the development by Jews of a Jewish National Home in that country, but the creation of a Jewish State or Government (in which the Jews would have complete hegemony) is no part of such a policy.

"As trustees for the Holy Land on behalf of the League of Nations, it is the object of the British Government and of the British Administration in Palestine to promote the harmony and development of all races and creeds in Palestine and to prevent the domination of any one over the others." P:Captain Berkeley, Liberal, asked if the Government still adhered to the Balfour note (which first provided for the Jewish National Home-- TIME, July 2). Mr. Gore: "Yes!"

U. S. prohibition was discussed freely in the House. Arthur Samuel, Conservative: "Is it not a fact that the law has placed the United States Government, much against its will, in such a position that it has become the laughing stock of the world?" No answer was returned. Many questions were used in an attempt to force the Government to make some pronouncement on its attitude toward the liquor seizures under cumstoms seal. The most to which the Premier would commit himself was a statement that as soon as a report from a committee had been received the Government would be enabled to come to a decision.