Monday, Jul. 16, 1923

Sec'y Davis Studies

Secretary of Labor Davis, who sailed on the Leviathan, plans to spend six weeks in Europe--all over Europe, in France, Poland, Rumania, Czecho-Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Turkey, Belgium, Holland, Great Britain, possibly Italy. His purpose is to study the feasibility of having prospective immigrants examined and passed in their native countries instead of at the portals of America. While he is doing this work, Miss Mary Anderson, head of the Women's Bureau of the Department of Labor, will make similar investigation in the Scandinavian countries.

Next winter when Congress assembles, the Secretary intends to submit a new immigration bill embodying the features of examination abroad and registration of all immigrants entering this country. He expressed his intent with regard to an immigration policy by saying that what he is seeking is "not a foreign policy, dictated by foreign steamship companies, but an American policy, formulated by and in the interest of the United States."