Monday, Jul. 09, 1923

" Lazarus of Peoples "

Der Tag, Berlin daily, animadverts with great bitterness on " all these foreign commissions which tour the Ruhr district for the purpose of study." It says that the German people regard them with a " bitter chuckle."

Referring specifically to the visit of Professor Lincoln Hutchinson, Commercial Attache to the U. S. Embassy in London, and Dr. Frank A. Golder of Leland Stanford, Jr., University, who are reported to be investigating feeding conditions in the Ruhr for Herbert Hoover, Director General of the American Relief Administration, Der Tag continues:

" We record them, but we no longer raise the question what is really going to result from them for us. It does not pay to do so any more. . . . Perhaps the American commission will produce a bowl of Quaker soup for us. Crumbs from the table of the rich are tossed to us, the Lazarus of peoples."