Monday, Jul. 02, 1923
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Herr Havenstein, of the Reichsbank, estimates that Germans have 2,000,000,000 gold marks ($476,400,000) abroad. He calculates that the excess of imports over exports since 1920 is 6,000,000,000 gold marks ($1,429,200,000); that capitalization of German industry amounts to 8,000,000,000 gold marks ($1,905,600,000).
The Reichstag is distinctly perturbed over the fall in the mark. Energetic measures for boosting the almost valueless currency are to be instituted immediately. Laws providing for unparalleled punishment for mark speculators are also to be enforced. The Government is considering reducing the number of banks and brokerage firms authorized to deal in foreign currencies.
The price of becoming a German millionaire for the past week rose from $6.23 to $8.50.