Monday, Jun. 04, 1923

"A Moron Dictatorship "

"Viva Padovani! Viva Mussolini!" These are the cries that reached the ears of II Capitano Padovani, leader of the Neapolitan Fascisti, from his 40,000 followers, who, on bended knees, declared their undying devotion to him and with more vivas promised to follow him " anywhere."

On account of the admittance of Signer Greco, ally of Giolitti, into the ranks of the Fascista Party, Captain Padovani and some of his supporters sent in their resignations to Mussolini--but he was too subtle to accept them. Instead, Benito convened a meeting of the Fascista Executive Council which unanimously decided to expel from the party Padovani and such Fascisti as remained faithful to him. The decision is said to affect 40,000 members.

The secession movement is not anti-Fascist nor anti-Mussolini. It is just plain antipathy to the Nationalist Party element which was absorbed into Fascismo. The Neapolitans want a thoroughbred Fascista Party and will not fall in line with the northern organizations in effecting the coalition. Captain Padovani himself said: " It is absolutely untrue that either myself or other Fascisti in this (Naples) district are disaffected with the Government. My admiration for Premier Mussolini and my devotion to the Fascista movement are unchanged and untouched by personal differences about Greco, which have arisen because he is imbued with the old ideas and ideals. . . . I and my brother Fascisti . . . are against all political or financial interest that does not support Mussolini and Fascism. I refuse to work with those who betrayed every noble, healthy initative and from whom this district formerly suffered so much."

The firm handling of this incident by Mussolini is to remind the rest of the Fascista Party that discipline is the first duty of a Fascist. Recently there have been sporadic outbursts of a minor nature within the party, which caused some apprehension to the Government. It is felt that only by handling such recalcitrant eruptions with requisite firmness and severity can discipline in the Fascista Party be maintained and strengthened.

The New York Call, animadverting upon the revolt, says: " One of the most important items of news from Italy is the report that 40,000 Fascisti have resigned en masse from the organization. It is the first break that has occurred since the windbag (Mussolini) marched on Rome and established a moron dictatorship over Italy."