Monday, May. 28, 1923

Other May Conventions

The Baptist Church, representing 7,000,000 members, has the congregational system of government, with each church a law unto itself. Last year, at Indianapolis, the Fundamentalists barely missed controlling the Northern Baptist Convention. This year the convention is being held in Atlantic City (May 23-29). The Fundamentalists held a meeting there on May 22. They may try to stampede the convention into an antievolution statement, such as the Southern Baptist Convention, meeting last week in Kansas City, has made. They may also seek by ballot to control the appointment of the Foreign Missions and the Home Missions committees, both of which are now held by Liberals. The Unitarian churches of the United States are holding their annual convention in Boston (May 20-27). There is no danger of their being stampeded into the Fundamentalist camp. They will be addressed by Rev. A. W. Slaten, late professor at William Jewell College, in Missouri-- a Baptist College which expelled him for teaching evolution, and so " subverting Christianity."