Monday, May. 28, 1923

Dr. Fosdick

While Mr. Bryan, Dr. McCartney and others may carry on from the, floor, and try to see that the ten overtures against Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick are pushed to the extreme, the real battle will be fought out in the Committee on Bills and Overtures. Since liberals are in control of this committee, and since there are five overtures asking that the other ten (against Dr. Fosdick) be ignored, there is little chance that the popular preacher will be ousted from the First Presbyterian pulpit of New York. The New York Presbytery has already appointed a committee to investigate the charges against Dr. Fosdick's alleged heresy. This committee will not report until after the General Assembly has dissolved, and the General Assembly could not, with very good grace, ask the New York Presbytery to appoint a committee which is already working. Victory rests on the standards of the liberals.