Monday, May. 28, 1923


A delay in freeing the captives-- 14 foreigners and about 100 Chinese --held by the brigands near Tsao-Chuang, was due to several causes. The bandits are not so interested in the $2,000,000 ransom offered by the Peking Government. They take as a matter of course the immunity from punishment offered them. With money and freedom more or less assured, the bandits were in a position to make further demands, which they did. They desire supplies of firearms and ammunition, the right to govern Shantung, the withdrawal of all troops from that province. All these demands must not only be met by the Government, but must also be guaranteed by six foreign powers. Nothing shows up the impotence of the Peking Government so clearly as the present position. Even the note addressed to the Government by Jacob Gould Schurman, American Minister, in which he said": "End these delays and confusion between various departments of the Government. Get the captives out and talk terms afterward, otherwise there will be drastic action taken," has had little or no effect. The bandits are paramount. The Peking Government is powerless. If they resist the bandits, the captives will be killed. Five Chinese have already been killed as an ungentle reminder to Peking that the bandits are not fooling. Now, they have threatened to kill two foreigners unless troops are completely withdrawn. Meanwhile official Peking continues to be optimistic. The army surrounding the bandits was withdrawn some few miles from the stronghold, but the Tuchuns (military governors) will not agree to more. The Peking Government offered the bandits posts in the National Army, but at the same time it is reported that grave dissension exists in that army, which is ascribed to their arrears of pay. It is even said that these soldiers are selling arms to the bandits. Under these circumstances the Government's offer does not seem very enticing.

Foreign governments continue to lodge strong protests with the Peking authorities, and unless " something " is " done," there may arise a situation of extreme international gravity.