Monday, May. 28, 1923


Captain Charles Nungesser, famous French ace, fourteen times decorated for valor, is engaged to Miss Consuelo Hatmaker, of No. 270 Park Avenue, Manhattan.

Nungesser is 32 years of age, and has the most brilliant record of any of the French aces. He was wounded 17 times and has, as a result, a platinum jaw, knee and foot. When he was shot through the jaw and the roof of his mouth, he went on fighting. This cost him nine months in the hospital. He has 105 German planes to his credit, of which 83 were confirmed: 43 shot down and destroyed, 40 forced down within the Allied lines. He was decorated with the Legion d'Honneur, the Medaille Militaire, Croix de Guerre with 30 palms and two etoiles, besides many foreign decorations.

When in the United States in 1921, he walked about jauntily and his many wounds did not seem to bother him one jot or tittle. He says that to be a successful scout pilot a man must have " eyes all around his head."