Monday, May. 28, 1923
ARKANSAS: A cloudburst in the Ozarks caused a flood which swept ten feet deep through the streets of Hot Springs, causing damage estimated at $2,000,000.
FLORIDA: A bill to forbid the use of the whip on convicts was passed by the legislature after a bitter fight. In the Senate the final vote was 15 to 13.
MAINE: The legislature voted to return to the appropriate Southern States Confederate battle flags captured by the Maine troops in the Civil War.
MONTANA: Four thousand five hundred acres of land in Fergus County were thrown open to ex-serv-ice men, by order of the U. S. Department of the Interior.
NEW YORK: Police Commissioner Enright of New York City announced that the police would continue to enforce the Constitution in New York, despite repeal of the state prohibition enforcement law. Anti-Saloon League Superintendent Anderson declared that if Smith were to veto the repeal, such a " shrewd stroke would make the Governor a national figure," and that otherwise New York " might temporarily drop to the level of Maryland and Massachusetts." Governor Smith, who was elected on a "moist" platform, announced that a hearing on the subject of repeal will be held on May 31.
PENNSYLVANIA: Governor Pinchot signed a Bonus Enabling bill, which provides for a soldiers' bonus for World War Veterans. The only catch is that this bonus is made subject to the approval by popular vote of a $35,000,000 bond issue.
TEXAS: The town of Beaumont reports a new record rainfall for the United States. Over 13.5 inches of rain fell inside three hours. All but half an inch of this amount fell inside two hours. Fifty thousand dollars damage was done to property and one serious accident caused by the cloudburst, when an oil storage tank was struck by lightning and a man burned in a pool of burning oil. Two flat-roofed frame buildings collapsed from the weight of water in the gutters. Telephone girls went to work in bathing suits.
WASHINGTON: By decision of the Attorney General it is legal for women to wear trousers where and when they please.
WISCONSIN: By a vote of 44 to 31 the State Assembly concurred in the Burke Senate resolution to petition Congress for 4% beer.