Saturday, May. 12, 1923

The Industrialists

The New York Globe published a series of articles describing Germany under the rule of a new mailed fist-- that of the iron and coal kings.

Herr Hugo Stinnes is singled out as the greatest of all the German industrialists. He is omnipotent in German economic and political life. A general idea of his power is given: " From his own properties Stinnes can light and build my house and supply me with all the utensils I use in it. He can provide me with reading matter, whether daily news or weekly jokes or improving literature. He can feed me meat, bread and jam. He can give me medicine when I am sick, and, when he has cured me, can take me on a pleasure cruise, put me up at his own hotels and actually print the money with which I pay him."

Other magnates who " hold Germany in despotic sway " are:

Felix Deutsch, successor to Walter Rathenau (former German Foreign Minister, assassinated June 24, 1922) as head of the Deutscheallgemeine- elektrizischegesellschaft, the greatest European electrotechnical concern, controlling coal and iron, and of the largest railway equipment trust in Europe.

Otto Wolff, a nouveau riche, who controls the Phoenix and Rheinstahl mines.

August Thyssen, an industrialist of the old school, proud and independent, with mines, mills and fac- tories.

Peter Klockner, formerly a Lorraine magnate. He is still immensely rich and has large interests in many . iron foundries and machine factories.

The Stumm brothers, also ex-mine owners in Lorraine. They still own metal factories in Germany.

The Rochling brothers, who were the heaviest losers in Lorraine, Luxembourg and the Saar, have still gigantic iron interests in Germany.

Dr. Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach. He owns the famous Krupp works conjointly with his wife, Bertha Krupp. The Krupp factory is now busy manufacturing innumerable varieties of metal articles.

Camillo Castiglioni, an Austrian, who has acquired Italian nationality, who is the Croesus of Austria, has large interests in Italy and is in, hand and glove, with Hugo Stinnes in Germany.