Saturday, May. 12, 1923

" Don't Do It! "

Mr. Ramsey Macdonald, British Labor Leader, in a recent number of the Socialist Review animadverts upon riotous behavior in the House of Commons: " I detest these scenes. One heated furnace of a man can lead the legitimate calls of ' adjourn ' into the badly sung strains of Rule Britannia or The Red Flag or Tipperary or fisticuffs and not only make a fool of himself but degrade everyone associated with him. Fascism was stimulated into life by communist tactics."

Herewith two verses of the Red Flag:

" The people's flag is deepest red;

It shrouded oft our martyred dead;

And ere their limbs grew stiff and cold,

Their heart's blood dyed its every fold.


"Then raise the scarlet standard high!

Within its shade we'll live and die!

Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer

We'll keep the Bed Flag flying here!

"It waved above our infant might.

When all ahead seemed dark as night;

It witnessed many a deed and vow,

We must not change its color now."

Chorus as above.