Saturday, May. 05, 1923
A Nursing Profession
The first school of nursing in the United States organized as a separate professional school in a university, with its own dean, faculty, buildings and budget, has been established at Yale University with funds provided by the Rockefeller Foundation. The school is marked by three new departures: 1) The curriculum will be based on the educational needs of the student nurse; instead of making her a hospital apprentice burdened with routine and drudgery. 2) The course will be reduced from three years to 28 months. 3) The patient will be considered in relation to heredity, environment, industry, housing, education and community problems in general, giving every bedside nurse a fundamental training in public health nursing.
The student will be able to specialize toward the end of her course. Intimate cooperation with the Yale Medical School, the New Haven Hospital and especially the New Haven Visiting Nurse Association, will make the new school a community institution in the best sense.
Miss Adelaide Nutting has been appointed to a full professorship in nursing at Teachers' College, Columbia University. This is believed to be the first professorship in nursing ever instituted.