Saturday, Apr. 28, 1923


The Council of the League met at Geneva to decide the issues brought up before it by members.

The following business is on the agenda:

A protest by Hungary against the expropriation by Rumania of a number of Hungarians in territory ceded to Rumania. The League's intervention is demanded.

Another protest requiring intervention is made by Bulgaria, who charges the Greeks with persecuting the Bulgarian population in Thrace. The Bulgars also ask for the removal of Allied military control commissions from their country, declaring that they are superfluous.

A request from Lithuania, who asks permission to bring before the International Court at The Hague an appeal against the recent decision of the Council of Ambassadors in connection with the Polish-Lithuanian frontier dispute.

A proposal by Czecho-Slovakia and Hungary that the League decide by arbitration their boundary dispute.

An application from Ireland for admission to the League.

The consideration of a report on Austria.

Questions affecting the free city of Danzig, the Saar Basin, child labor, aerial navigation, white slave traffic, armaments.