Saturday, Apr. 14, 1923

"Mirrors of Blood "

"Mirrors of Blood "

Monsignor Constantine Butchkavitch, Vicar General of the Roman Catholic Church in Russia, was murdered by order of a barbarian court. These tidings have resounded throughout the civilized world; in some cases pogroms have been carried out against the Jews, who are held fallaciously by anger-blind people to be responsible for the prelate's death for no other reason than that the arch-fiends at Moscow are said to be Jews--a contention not entirely true. In other countries where the common rudiments of law and order are preserved more by instinct than by compulsion, many millions of people have been horified by the injustice of the execution and pained at the shame and disgrace which has befallen the name of Russia. Regarded dispassionately, the execution seems the quintessence of arrogance and unmixed contempt for the opinion of the world. It is in effect proof positive that the autocracy of the Tsar has only been exchanged for that of the dregs of the Russian proletariat. It appears that the Soviet are anxious to show that the quality of mercy has no place in the creed of Bolshevism. As a matter of fact liberty in all its forms is non-existent in Russia today. Even under the Tsar's despotism the average man had more personal liberty than he has now. Hereunder the effects of the Soviet Government's deafness to world-wide appeals:

Britain. Conservatives, Liberals and nonradical labor condemn the execution as an act of cold blooded murder. The radicals blame the Government for causing the death of the prelate by refusing to recognize Russia. There is some talk of breaking commercial relations off and recalling the British Mission.

Poland. One hundred thousand people stormed the Russian Legation at Warsaw. Finding themselves held in check by the police they vented their fury on the Jews, killing many and wounding a large number.

Throughout the Central European States, with few exceptions, anti-semitic disturbances have been aggravated by the news of Mgr. Butchkavitch's death.

Rome. Despite the anger of the populace, the Pope has decided that it would be futile to despatch a protest to Moscow and has refrained from so doing.

Ukraine. Bolshevik troops are reported to have executed about 350 peasants for protesting against the Vicar General's death. In some parts of the Ukraine the peasants have killed or put to flight a number of Jews.