Saturday, Apr. 07, 1923

Two Masters

The creed of the Russian communists, according to an interviewer of Litvinof, is as follows: "We do not believe that the church can serve two masters. We must choose between the Communist Party and the Church."

As reported last week, Archbishop Zepliak and Monsignor Butchkavitch, of the Roman Catholic Church, were tried for "resisting the government." Both were condemned to death. A storm of protest arose from govern- ments and other organizations all over the world.

The Archbishop's sentence was commuted to ten years' solitary imprisonment. The Soviet Government replied to Secretary Hughes' plea for mercy for the Catholics that there are still 50 political (wartime) prisoners in Leavenworth who have done less against government than the ecclesiastics had done against theirs. The Russians rejected Poland's offer to exchange prominent Communist prisoners now in Polish prisons in return for Monsignor Butchkavitch, who is a Pole.

Krylenko, prosecutor for the Soviet Government, is reported to be preparing a case against Tikon, Patriarch of the Greek Orthodox church, on the same charge of opposing the Government.