Saturday, Apr. 07, 1923

Latin America

Pan-American Conference: The following delegates were elected to preside over committees: Political, General Augusto Montes de Oca, Argentina; Juridicial, Afranio Mello Franco, Brazil; Hygiene, Dr. Aristides Aguero, Cuba; Communications, Narciso Garay, Panama; Commerce, Dr. Amezaga, Uruguay; Agriculture, Guillermo Valencia, Colombia; Armaments, Henry P. Fletcher, United States; Education, Rafael Arizaga, Ecuador.

At a banquet given to the heads of the delegations by President Allessandri of Chile, Henry P. Fletcher made a speech in which he showed the difference betwen America and Europe and stated that democracies cannot be imperialistic.

Mexico: General Silvino Garcia of the Mexican Federal Army was killed from ambush while inspecting small garrisons near Cordoba.

The assassination was carried out by farmers, allegedly at the instigation of the Government of the State of Vera Cruz, who favor a communist policy for the division of estates. A conflict is feared between the State and the Federal authorities.

Baseball is gradually supplanting bull fighting in popular favor. Mexican newspapers give more space to baseball than to the time-honored sport of Spain. In Chihuahua there are three large parks in which about 15 teams play daily. It is reported that the demand is largely for the better class of equipment.

Brazil: A revolution is in progress in the State of Rio Grande do Sul--in the extreme South. The rebels have in many cases been reinforced by deserting Government regiments. The capture of Rosario caused a good deal of alarm in Santa Anna do Livramento and in Quarahy. The inhabitants of both these places fled, taking refuge in Ataques, on the Uruguayan side of the border.

Argentina: The omnifarious, omnipresent activities of Herr Hugo Stinnes have reached the Argentine, where the German industrial magnate has bought large tracts of land, primarily for cotton growing. Preparations have begun for its cultivation, and it is believed that industrial enterprises for manufacturing cotton products will also be established.