Saturday, Mar. 31, 1923
Sixteen Minutes
Fighting Bob Evans' ship, the Iowa, used as a radio-controlled target by the Mississippi, was sunk ou the second day of practice, while the fourth of the five contemplated tests was in progress. In the first test, the Mississippi fired 108 rounds of five-inch shells at six miles range and scored 16 hits. In the next test, with special ammunition, the Mississippi fired 80 rounds from her 14-inch guns and made four direct hits. Later in 162 rounds of the same type, 20 hits were scored. In the final test, at a range of nine miles, the regular arm-or-piercing projectiles were used. Only nine salvoes were fired. Both smokestacks, the bridge, the radio control apparatus and the upper works were shot away. At the sixth salvo she began to list heavily. Sixteen minutes after the firing began she turned turtle and sank--in 75 fathoms of water, 55 miles off Balboa.