Saturday, Mar. 24, 1923
Internal Strife
"I am determined to make this a decisive trial of strength between constitutional methods and the sort of interference by militarists which is destroying China's standing and regulation. I am not alarmed at the threats which have been made and will stand firm and follow the will of the people." This is part of a statement made by Li Yuan-Hung, President of China, referring to the Government crisis created by the resignation a fortnight ago of Premier and cabinet.
The cabinet, responding to the President's appeal to reconsider their resignations, decided to remain in office another ten days, ostensibly on account of certain legislation now under way, but actually to give the President time to cope with one of the most difficult situations in the last decade.
Despite the President's strong stand against the Tuchuns, or war lords, they continue to make preparations for a campaign against Dr. Sun Yat-Sen in the South.